Aug 05 2010

Shows I have come to like in syndication…

Published by at 12:59 am under TV

   In life w get so many distractions to doing what we REALLY deep down want to do, WATCH TV! So with school, work, kids etc there are a ton of TV shows I really never got into the 1st time around. So the good thing about working nights is there is a ton of syndicated shows that you get to watch and over the course of a year or two you generally get almost all of the episodes of the whole run. This is good for most cases unless it’s a show that wasn’t on very long and the station recycles the episodes flip back to the beginning too quick and repeats of repeats galore.

  • That 70’s show—> I am not sure if it was just on a day I watched something else or if I truely just didn’t like it, but I really never watched this show much when it was on. Now that I watch it most week nights at work it has def grown on me. The relentless abuse they give each other and the funny as hell theme shows are awesome.
  • The Office—> I orig liked this show when it started but eventually during the 1st season the uncomfortable humor just got to make me feel too uncomfortable and just didn’t watch it much. Now that I get to watch it a ton I love it all over again. It definately toned all that down after the 1st few episodes or you just get over it. Either way the show really grows on you. B/c of work and life I still cannot watch new ones on a reg basis so I will just have to wait until the new ones come on re-runs to see them. BUT, I just don’t think the show can survive without Steve Carrell.
  • Everybody Loves Raymond—-> Another show I never got into at first and then just didn’t watch much as the years went on. Now I watch it all the time and even catch it as much as possible if not much else is on (TV land has a ton of marathons too). Plus Mrs Geekjock and I are often compared to Ray and Deborah. Simply one of the GeekJocks top 10 sitcoms of all time. I guess that means I will have to come up with my top 10 Sit coms of all time eventually too!
  • Angel—> While not a sitcom it’s still in syndication and still on every mornign at 6am on TNT (or TBS not sure which it is). This was a classic show by Joss Wheedon and was well written and great to watch. The only problem is it was only on for 4 or 5 seasons so it flips in only a couple of months and I think I have now watched all of these 2-3 times each over the last couple of years and I think I might have gotten a bit burned out on it.
  • Scrubs–> I always liked this show but again never got to see it as much as I liked to. So now that I get to see it a few times a week I can catch up on some of the shows I missed when it was on. The in the head monologue stuff is always great, kinda like a toned down Dream On (if anyone remembers that HBO CLASSIC).


So what shows have you found on Syndication that you just never got into when they originally were on and they just grew on you?

One response so far

One Response to “Shows I have come to like in syndication…”

  1. abediaCagon 10 Aug 2010 at 8:09 pm

    Interesting post!!!Smile

    jeffrey donovan


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