Aug 05 2010
Red Box review— Remember Me
Remember Me (2010— 113mins) R. Pattinson, E. de Ravin
Remember Me is a romantic drama about two scarred people who have lost someone close to them in their lives. It revolves around their romance and their relationship with their equally scarred and flawed fathers. I have sort of been avoiding this movie b/c I haven’t seen any trailers that I can remember and the covers of the dvd’s and the thumbnail on the red-box all make it look like an aloof and goofy movie. Well it’s none of those. It’s basically gloomy and the drama is in the conflict between all sorts of characters. However, this I can deal with. I have seen some chatter on the net while looking for the above picture that people were a bit mad that it turned out to be a drama rather then a comedy. I can definitely live with that. What is CANNOT live with is the director/writer’s ending. It completely ruins the whole film and ruin’s the whole replay value. I have reviewed/watched movies in the past that I don’t think I would watch again b/c I think the movie itself was meh, but they generally have an ending that was plausible with the story. This crappy ending leaves me rather annoyed that I spent the 2 hours interested in the plot and the characters. (Which was hard to do b/c once we start to meet Pattinson’s character he’s so scarred and acting ridiculous that it’s almost unbelievable but the story eventually gets us past this extreme character building by using his natural charm and his coy smile)
I will try and not spoil it at all but I will say that the ending is kind of a bombshell and out of left field. Some people tend to like this but it’s soooo out of left field and has so little to do with the story that turns the movie into a complete failure. Two things the GeekJock wants in a movie (especially endings) is closure of sorts and the ending to MAKE SENSE with regard to the story. This partially, at best satisfies one of those.
Verdict–> Run away. You will thank me. The only people who will like this movie are people who love Pattinson’s “dreamy” eyes and those who like stabbing their own eyes with sharpened pencils for fun. I warned you. But if you like to waste 2 hours of time by all means have fun.
I will start my comment by saying I AM a fan of Pattinson’s “dreamy” eyes but that’s not why I wanted to watch to movie. (B/c I’m NOT a fan of EDR). But I waited until I was in the right kind of mood to watch it. I read the reviews and new it was a down-er. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. But I wanted to watch BECAUSE OF THE ENDING. The writer wrote this story to give you a personal connection to the external situation. (And how could you NOT see the ending coming with all of the foreshadowing). Even being an RPatz fan I wished they had used AMERICAN actors for the parts.
You Def. Raise the perfect point for the film. Being in the right mood to watch it, and pretty much knowing what you are getting into. Maybe it was b/c I watched it at work that I compeltely missed the foreshadowing, I am usually on top of all that in movies.
Thanks for the comment!
Well, you are welcome for my awesome first Netflix choice..haha. I agree that we missed the foreshadowing – like you said b/c we were working. I watched it again and it’s like a big DUH!! So obvious. I am a fan of both main characters, so I’d give the movie a “sideways” thumb. I could watch RPatz all day!!!