Sep 02 2010

Another Week off ahead of me… AKA what I am playing and random thoughts

Published by at 7:52 am under Games,Random Sh-stuff

Well another week of work has gone by. This week was real busy but I still managed to have some down time here and there and since I beat every deck challenge with all the available decks in MTG: Duals of the planeswalker last week I was kinda without much to play and I really wasn’t really wanting to play much Torchlight this week. So I was looking for something to mess with and I settled upon Puzzle Quest 2.

   For anyone who is not familiar with the Puzzle Quest series, it’s basically BeJeweled with a quest/RPH element to it. You have a class and you “battle” creatures in the world by playing the typical match 3 mini-games. You do damage to your opponent this way and have some powerups or skills you can use as well. The game is probably 10x as addicting as regular bejewled is and if you like those games you will LOVE this game as well. The 2nd one right now is 20$ on steam and the 1st one I think is 10$ or 5$ so if you want to try the 1st one instead go ahead I am pretty sure that one is good too without some of the new bells and whistles of the 2nd.

Here is a screeny of the game.

Yesterday WOTC released the 2nd expansion for MTG: Duals of the Planeswalker, but instead of trying to get into that and taking a week off from playing it I think I will just get it next week when I come back to work and mess around with it then.

I have some company in town for some of this week and a nice Fantasy FB draft tonight but I still might end up with some time to do some gaming this weekend. I am still trying to figure out what I will get into this week. I think I might go rent  acouple of X-box games this week to play sat night b/c I am in this rut with WoW and just don’t think I am going to be in much of a mood to grind out a few levels or try and get some more badges. As I have repeatedly said it’s getting to that time with WoW, they need to get their ass moving on getting the expansion out b/c they are starting to really get on the nerves of their real fans. I am a huge fan of the game but Civ V , DCUO, and who knows what else might get my attention a bit in the next few months and I might just unsubscribe till I really feel like coming back, which would prolly be right as the expansion comes out. You might say who cares to them, but it’s still money out of their pockets and I am fairly certain others won’t be as forgiving and quick to come back as me.

Anyway back to the Xbox games for this weekend. I have Mass Effect (1) at home, unplayed, but the problem is my kids have hid the box somewhere and I just cannot find it. So I think I will check out the new releases tomorrow at Blockbuster and grab 2 (I should have plenty of coke rewards points and Ill use the usual rent 2 for 1 coupon). I still haven’t tried Red Dead Redemption, the new Transformers game, Borderlands, Fable 2, as usual the list goes on and on so I am sure I can find a couple of good ones.

I also started playing Might and Magic: Heroes Kingdoms. It’s one of these free to play kingdom builder games. Kinda like Heroes of Gaia, or Lords of Ultima. These games are generally all the same. You have a small kingdom or city, you then you have to expand your city and issue orders to your Heroes and all of these things take time. So you issue an order or two and then come back in hours. Kinda like a fantasy Farmville but a bit slower and a little more confusing. The confusing part is kinda find b.c typically the kind of people who want to play this game like confusing, if it’s too easy then they will bitch about it being too easy and not worth their time. So far it’s ok. Just ok. Early game they claim it’s slower then the end game. So it started off real fun, I had a bunch of little quests to do and got some tutorial rewards and won some battles clearing land around my 1st city. Right now is that slow stage. Gotta build up an army to get some more land cleared and upgrade mines and my city. So everything takes time. 20 or so hours to upgrade the city and waiting for more troops to spawn at my town. So I guess it’s a decent thing that I am off so I won’t have the cpu open right here like at work.

So Right now it’s about time to head home and get some rest and let the madness/fun of a week of begin!! The countdown is still in full effect…. little less then 3 weeks till Civ V and man I still cannot wait. Time suckage and just…one.. more.. turn ….

GJ out

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