Sep 13 2010

Red Box Review— Date Night

Published by at 7:59 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Date Night (2010— 90 mins) S. Carell, Tina Fey

   When you take two classicly trained improv comedians like Carell and Fey, and throw em into a wild night movie and let them have plenty of times to just “let it roll” with takes, what comes is some great scenes of comedic gold. Date Night is a great caper movie, where it starts off innocently enough with a rare special date among spouses but becomes a night from hell. When they are out on a date night Fey/Carell take the reservations of a fougazzy couple at a posh restaurant. When they are mistaken for this couple by neir do wells the night is off to the races.

   The movie is real funny and quick and easy and enjoyable. The supporting stars such as, Ray Liotta, Mark Wahlberg and Wm Fichtner add their own flare to the movie and help to also add to the hilarity. Other then a car chase scene that was funny at times but all to drawn out the movie is a blast. My main complaint is that it prob. could have been a bit longer, b/c the chase makes you think they made it as long as they did b/c they were wayyy too close to being grossly under 90 mins. Anyone who is married and has kids will relate to the couple in one way or another and makes it even more enjoyable. Alas I doubt very few of us are as funny as these two but I am sure we all think that we are when bantering back and forth with our spouse. The beauty of this movie is it makes you remember what is great about your own relationships at home.

Verdict—> The nearly perfect date/married comedy. Where Killers is more for the dating crowd Date Night is more for the married crowd. Yet, they can be a good one, two punch on a good movie night. Go ahead and pick this up at the Red Box or add it to any Que you have. A top recommendation!

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