May 03 2011

Trailer Tuesday— Latest Transformers, X-Men, and The Hobbit video blog!

Published by at 10:50 am under Movies

I wanted to bring some of the trailers I have been geeking out on to the blog here and share some of my thoughts. We will be looking at Transformers 3, the new X-Men and a video blog for “The Hobbit”. Thanks to and yahoo, and of course Peter Jackson himself, all for posting these and for Mr. Jackson just for doing them. Enjoy!


First up is Transformers 3 (Dark of the Moon). Thoughts on it after the trailer.

Before the good/bad/ugly part here let’s talk about plot. It looks like humans will have stumbled upon some info about transformers who crash landed on the moon in the 60’s and naturally the gov’t has been keeping it a secret. SHOCKING. What is shocking is that even when the whole world was threatened in the last 2 movies they still kept it secret? Even after Optimus Prime was on speaking terms with every high level gov’t agent this STILL was a secret? Eh.. plot hole. More of my thinking is it looks like there will be a sort of space bridge opened. This was a huge story line in the cartoons and I like how this could have been brought to the screen. In the cartoon Megatron uses the bridge to bring some reinforcements from the remains of Cybertron over to help him out. Most importantly Shockwave, who we see in the trailer. I am guessing they are going to make him pretty powerful as he already looks like a bad-ass in the trailer. He had a great voice and pretty cool personality in the cartoon so hopefully this keeps up in the new movie. I am guessing these reinforcements will overpower the humans and the Autobots, leading to this whole “Last Stand” idea that they are hinting towards in the trailer. It’s this last stand that I am guessing Optimus will win somehow and then give part of his speech from the trailer and they will ride off into the sunset to put a “!” on Bay’s statement of this is the last movie.

The Good–> Well, it looks like the often abused Michael Bay has tried to make people happy with this one. Gone is some comic relief, back are the big hitter Autobots and LOTS of robots period. Looks like a ton more action as well, I am really hoping this will kick ass and cannot wait to see it the day it comes out and hopefully more then that on the big screen.
The Bad–> With the reported number of Autobots being pretty low, mostly the usual core we have gotten and a few more spec-ops race cars, it seems we will get some of what I didn’t like in the second movie. A big bunch of fighting with nameless transformers who won’t transform and just run around looking like random robots. I want the majority of what we see on screen to be named robots with a purpose. If that means a sliver of what we will see fighting so be it. The beauty of the old cartoon was every transformer on the screen was SOMEBODY. From the least used car to the bunch of random jets. They all had names and they were all called on even if they didn’t speak. If that means more multi-transformer combiners then who cares. They did the constructicons “ok” in the second one but that sort of thing could be greatly improved.
The Ugly–> Again not enough main Autobots. There are a ton of good ones missing so far in the series (Thundercracker for one, and the autobots own radio-sorry name escapes me right now, been a few months since my son and I watched the old DVD’s of the cartoons), and I think we will be let down by the lack of numbers of the Autobots. Also I hate this will be the last one. I know they are expensive and people might be burned out after this, the third installation, but hell I would be happy watching 10 of these movies if the stories were good. I just love the transformers universe and want to see more. I also think having Optimus angry at the humans is in the “ugly” part as well. You would think by now EVERYONE would trust him and want him to be in the know about everything related to robots good or bad on our planet. Hell, the leader is such a good one and so motivated by justice he should be elected president!

Ok next up on the trailers is the new X-Men First class trailer..

As always I will preface this with the fact I am a HUGE DC Comics guy and not much of a Marvel guy. That only means my knowledge base is a bit lower for Marvel so I don’t know a ton about who “should” be in this movie and other then the obvious ones who ARE in here, the lesser knowns, I have no idea who they are of yet. That being said, this movie also looks great. I love when comic movies and heroes get interjected into real life events. It’s just kinda cool and helps us to further suspend disbelief and get into the story. The trailer looks great and hopefully the movie will be every bit as good. The X-men has always been a franchise I enjoyed and I liked ALL three of the original ones. Yes, I even liked the third one, stop your bitching fellow geeks.

The last video I have here is not a trailer but a video blog for… “The Hobbit”. Peter Jackson has done a 10 min video blog on the setting up and beginning of the shooting of the much anticipated classic. I couldn’t be more excited for this as well. The sort of prequel movie for the best trilogy of all time (sorry to my Star Wars loving brethren and also sorry to the Potterphilles out there but LOTR is simply the best) is more of a grand adventure of sorts and a lot lighter then the tone of the “Lord of The Rings” was. Of course it will be a couple of years away and of course it will be AMAZING so enjoy this little video blog, I am sure it will get you excited for the upcoming film. Until then of course why not go back and read the Tolkien classic?

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Trailer Tuesday— Latest Transformers, X-Men, and The Hobbit video blog!”

  1. Nickel-Eyeon 04 May 2011 at 2:34 am

    I have got to say that I could not be looking forward to Transformers: Dark of the Moon less. I know that as a slightly geeky child of the 80’s I should be eating this stuff up with a spoon, but there is nothing about this franchise I find worthwhile. These movies are big, dumb, loud, unexciting and perhaps worst of all boring. I feel like these films are cynically made for the lowest common denominator and it actually kind of bothers me how wildly successful these movies continue to be. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some robots, but this franchise can’t fail and be re-booted fast enough as far as I am concerned.

    If you would like to hear any more of my ramblings you can check out my website:


  2. GeekJockon 04 May 2011 at 4:32 pm

    While I respect your opinion, and thanks for taking the time to come on over an comment!, I have to respectfully disagree about them all being “big, dumb, loud, unexciting and perhaps worst of all boring”. You have a good point if you thought the 2nd movie was dull and crappy, and Bay even sort of admitted to it as well, saying the impending writers strike had a ton to do with the content being rushed (excuse? Possibly, but there prolly is a bit of truth to that), but the first movie was done very well and had a great story and had quite a wide audience appeal.

    I am really hopeful that this one packs quite a punch in action and story so that the momentum for more, or even as you suggest a re-boot, could be in the cards. It doesn’t matter to me, either way as long as good movies with Transformers are made in the future I am happy. I can’t get enough Optimus and Bumblebee!

    And thanks for the heads up about your blog, I love the quality and content and shall check it out regularly!



  3. The Redheaded Pharmaciston 05 May 2011 at 12:48 am

    I have mixed emotions about the impending movie “The Hobbit” because I hold the book so near and dear to my heart. It quite possibly is my favorite book or at least one of my favorites of all time. And with that kind of pedistal any movie based on that book can’t possibly live up to my high expectations.

    Having said that I am still excited for the prospects of an incredible story coming to the big screen. The Hobbit has it all and with the special effect capabilities of modern movie makers there is no doubt this movie will look great. But it makes me want to re-read the book again and I know if I do that I will be even more excited for the movie to come out and I’ll expect even more when it does.

    I’ve always considered The Hobbit to be Tolkien’s best work and easily my favorite of his books. I just hope the movie can do this great book justice or I will be very disappointed. But it looks like they are taking their time and will get it right so to speak. It’s a shame fans will have to wait so long before this movie is officially released. Something tells me it will be worth the wait though!


  4. GeekJockon 05 May 2011 at 11:34 pm

    I think the one thing you are forgetting Red, is PETER JACKSON… When you remember it’s being done by the king himself (he of LOTR genius already), then you should be well at ease. The Hobbit is in perfect hands for the challenge.


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