Jul 25 2011

Comic Con 2011 GeekJock’s good the bad the ugly and the great #comiccon2011

Published by at 12:51 pm under Comic Con 2011,Games,Movies,SWTOR

I have put a few things up with some comments this weekend but I wanted to highlight just a couple more things here as a conclusion to Comic Con 2011 weekend.

The Good

Gamespot.com and EW.com’s coverage were both amazingly awesome. EW had some great interviews (although most posted were only about 3 mins which was waaayyyy too short) and great pictures from the event (Sexy Sleeping Beauty HELLO!), and gamespot had some awesome trailers and now have some of the panels posted in their entirity. Great coverage guys. And if you haven’t seen it yet look for the interview with Nathan Fillion in the EW room where he plays a sort of 10 questions about Nathan Fillion with 2 big fans. The guy truly is cool as hell and a great sport.

The Bad

Some of the interviews. I mentioned above that some of the interviews were too short. That kinda sucked but that didn’t even scratch the surface of bad when you saw how some of the interviews were down right uncomfortable to watch. Take for instance the Pee Wee Herman interview. Wow was that just fricking odd, and uncomfortable. Then there was the interview with Chris Evans for “Captain America” in the EW room. It’s hard to find a guy who would rather be anywhere else more then Evans. It’s kinda hard to pass judgement on a guy like him tho, since I am sure that he had to do about 500 interviews the last few months about the part and being chipper has to get old. Then there was the interview with the cast of “The Amazing Spider Man”. Again we get a bunch of people trying to be chipper and then there is Rhys Ifans in all his who gives a crap glory. Barely paying attention to even his cast members he bumbles through the interview like a half baked loony. Which brings me to our ….


Oh Rhys. Can you not wait for the after parties to get wasted? The daytime is about the fans and about smiling and showing the world you rock. Not being hammered and acting like an ass. British rocker wanna be Ifans made a fool of himself a few times yesterday at the con. He was reportedly arrested during the Spidey panel for pushing a security officer for the panel and being a complete tool. I really don’t care how bad you think the security is at these things. It still takes a special A-hole showing to be forcefully removed and arrested at an event like Comic Con, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE ONE OF THE CELEBS THERE! He reportedly said a big F-U to Americans as he was escorted out. To give  you a good idea of his plasteredness, here is an interview he did before the whole panel.

You stay classy Rhys!


I want to end on a high note here with the great of the weekend. And that was the panel on SW:The Old Republic. This whole panel had me grinning from ear to ear like a fricking ninny. It was awesome to see them talking about it, awesome to see footage and actresses, and also awesome to hear of an impending large scale beta in September. Thanks again for the coverage by gamespot, which continues to be my favorite online gaming site for all platforms of info from PC to consoles to even ios device gaming. Check out that video also and enjoy!

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