Aug 29 2011

Red Box Review Unknown #redbox

Published by at 7:30 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Unknown (2011– 113 mins) L. Neeson, D. Kruger, J. Jones

Neeson has done a few movies where he seems to be playing the same spy/badass in them. “Unknown” takes us on a ride which is “Taken” crossed with “Bourne Identity”. Neeson plays Dr. Martin Harris, who is in Berlin for a science conference with his wife. He forgot a bad at the airport, and while in a taxi on the way back he gets into an accident which puts him into a coma. Upon wakening he has slight amnesia and he finds that when he goes to find his wife she doesn’t know him and someone has taken his place as he husband. Thus he starts to question everything… who he is who they are and what he’s doing in Berlin. It’s a decent action thriller in the vein of “Taken” in which it’s fairly straight to the point and good action. The story, while of course a bit far fetched, is still a decent one and fun to watch. Liam Neeson plays the same gruff bad ass type as “Taken” for the most part and he is good in it. January Jones who plays his wife, doesn’t have a whole lot to do in it, cept look ridiculously hot and wear sleek dresses and smile. CHECK!

Verdict–> It’s funny to review a movie like this and have hardly anything to say about it. The main thing to repeat is it’s “Taken” crossed with “Bourne Identity”. If you read that you have the whole idea what you are in for. Feel’s like a short review/ cop out, but when it’s a movie like that just  know it’s a good watch and entertaining, and anything else will just spoil parts of it. I put it up as a good recommendation from the Red Box… Not too long, not to confusing and pretty entertaining. So pick it up if you are looking for a decent action flick!

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