Jun 29 2010

WoW: Got the pre-expansion blues? Re-Spec an old or new 80!

Published by at 2:40 pm under World of Warcraft


It’s that time in the World of Warcraft release cycle. We have all sorts of great info on Cataclysm and every one of us who has played the game just wants it out already. As usual Blizzard has given us the “when it’s ready” announcement more times then I care to think of. Normally this is fine, b/c they have a proven track record for releasing great games (they also have a track record of pushing games back a ton of times but that’s beside the point). So the latest we heard it was “sometime in ’10”.  My guess?  I happen to think September myself, but that is only because I cannot imagine they want the game out AFTER Blizzcon has happened. People do not want Blizzcon to be more of a rehashing of last year and updating the Cataclysm info. To me that is epic FAIL. I would think they would like to spend this Blizzcon with a new announcement, such as maybe the top secret MMO they are working on, or an all access pass to either the next Starcraft II piece or oodles of info on Diablo 3.  Me, I want to see a shit ton of Diablo coverage, the new MMO or hell I would be happy if they announced the next expansion after Cataclysm but thats an odd wish on my part.

Ok back to the topic at hand. With all the release etc being a ways away there are a lot of WoW players who are simply bored to tears with the game (no, I am not even close to one of them). It is however, understandable. Mainly b/c we now are at roughly the 18 month mark of Lich King and a lot of people have done everything they plan on doing until Cat hits. Downing Arthas might still be high on peoples lists, but many people are realists and unless you are part of a dedicated raid team or they up the buff to ICC to ridiculous levels more then likely it’s not going to happen.

My remedy is a mix of old and new takes on what to do now. 1st, like many people I say level Alts. This game is so vast and fun and you can enjoy so much out of just about any of the classes. Every time I get a new spell or open up new dungeons to go to in the looking for group tool for a leveling toon, it just opens up a new part of the game. 2nd you can go to a different faction. I go 99.99% Alliance on my toons, so hey why not start a Hordie on another server or if you have the slots on your own. A bit extreme but still an option. And finally my favorite option is to either take one of your new 80’s (if you have one or one who will Ding 80 soon) or an old 80 that has only done 1 thing and RE-SPEC.

Here’s my story on this. I recently hit 80 on my 3rd and 4th characters. A Lock and Warrior respectively. The Lock I leveled 100% with Affliction and the Warrior an early combo of Arms then changed to Fury once I could get titan’s grip and wield 2 two-handers. Once I hit 80 on those 2 I decided that I would re-spec them both and do something new. So I changed the lock to Destro and the Warrior to Prot. Why? Well I just wanted something different for my Lock and for the Warrior until I got better gear I did it primarily to get into dungeons faster. After a few chain regular ToC’s I was ready to hit the random heroic charts.

Mainly I was completely amazed at how mch fun this was to do. It was like getting a brand new character at 80. The spells were different and the rotations different so it was fresh and exciting. I now am doing as much ranoms as possible to keep them geared up and my excitement for them is high b/c of just changing it up a little. Remember these really are just alts so live alittle have some fun!

I must stress a couple of things tho. Do your homework. Read the blogs and forums and sites out there that know. Go to wowhead mmochampion elitestjerks and wow.com. Get the specs right and get the rotations down. It wouldn’t hurt much if you did some dailies with your new spec so you know how it works and what works as a good “oh shit” button b/c every class has a few. You already have an 80 or two so you know how to play, but the key is to not think you know EVERYTHING. I have been playing the game since launch and I know there are still things about certain classes/specs I learn every day.

Give it a try and let the Geek know how you did!

As always feel free to mail me directly (Geekjockblog@yahoo.com)  if you have any WoW questions answered. I don’t claim to be the foremost authority on WoW but I can give you my opinions and help on what I do in fact know. And I welcome all Q’s!

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