Mar 29 2012

A Canes fan dream day inches closer and closer. #AlumniGame #TeamRed

Published by at 10:39 am under asides,Hockey,Hurricanes

I have mentioned a few times on Twitter and Facebook about the amazing 10th Anniversary gift my beautiful wife surprised me with a few weeks ago. And just in case you missed it I will do it again!

Mrs. GeekJock got me an entry into the Carolina  Hurricanes Alumni Fantasy game this upcoming Sunday April 1st. The game will feature 10 Canes Alumni and 30 of us “average Joes”. The ten pros include  the two team captains Ron Francis and Rod Brind’Amour. Also playing will be Glen Wesley, Aaron Ward, Shane Willis, Robert Kron, Steve Rice, Steve Halko, Tripp Tracy, and Jesse Boularice. Also playing with us will be Henry Staal, father of Canes Captain Eric Staal. I simply cannot say enough about how amazingly excited I am to play in this game. It’s going to truly be a dream come true. Not to mention that every step of the way Mr. Willis has gone above and beyond to make each and every one of us feel welcome to thegame and has stated in the press that “We’re going to let these guys feel something we were lucky enough to do for a career.”

As the days tick closer and closer I have to say that there has been a little bit of growing butterflies in my stomach but hey that’s to be expected. To be on the ice with 10 guys you have idolized all throughout their playing days, and two guys who have been favorites of mine their whole careers (Brindy and Francis), simply is a bit overwhelming to think about sometimes. But hey all I can do is get some more practice this weekend and plenty of rest to be ready I guess. I will be on the ice  a couple of times before the event this weekend, once helping out my son’s U8 practice and another on Sat when my B team plays a scrimmage against a team coming from out of town (Philly). So those two should get my legs under me a bit coming off a work week where I haven’t skated in over a week. I will try and get a few quick blog posts this weekend leading up to the event and I am fairly sure I will post a ton of pics after the event since I know the Mrs. will be taking a ton.

Here is a link to the page on the Canes site so you can see the Fan Guide to the Alumni Game. It’s going to be a fun time, and a great way to raise some more money for the Kids ‘N Community Foundation. There won’t be any charge for going but they will be taking donations at the door as well as have a snack bar open for purchases. So come on to the PNC Arena (former RBC Center) and see us avg Joes have the fantasy hockey experience of a lifetime, Sunday April 1st at 3pm, doors open at 2pm.

So keep an eye out for #19 in Red and try not to laugh at me when you see that my point shot can’t break a pane of glass! But hey, maybe it’s still good enough to beat Tripp Tracy glove side!


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