Jul 20 2010

Red Box Reviews— Two out-there flicks one good one not so much

Published by at 2:15 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

I normally like to put my reviews each in their own post but I felt I wanted to include these together. Mainly b/c they are both fairly odder/ out-there type movies. Being a movie enthusiast, I don’t mind that at all, but they are good examples of how one get’s it right and one is just a smelly mess.

Pretty Bird (2008 120 mins) Billy Crudup, Paul Giamatti, David Hornsby

This is a story of three men trying to invent a rocket belt. Crudup is the get-rich quick entrepreneur who is organizing the project. Giamatti is the rocket scientist brains behind the production, and Hornsby is the all too loyal friend and money behind it all.  The men cannot seem to get along with ambitions, paranoia and money all getting in the way. The movie is just all over the damn place. It starts easy enough and just diverts into, as a co-worker called it a big smelly pile of poo. I couldn’t have said it better. We never really know what the plot wants to do and where the characters want to go and where they end up. Sure there is the small tieing of loose ends but it doesn’t keep us from scratching our heads when the credits roll.  IT really wants to be an intelligent darker comedy, but it just doesn’t succeed, mainly b/c of the plot.

Usually I add in the warning or small weaknesses, but here I will add in the 2 positives. First, I liked Giamatti’s performance here. I always tend to like him when he is a flawed everyman. From Private Parts to Sideways he is at his best in roles that ultimately have him screaming. I don’t know why but some actors are best when they are riled up and screaming, and he’s just one of em. Second, the small role Kristin Wiig has in here is performed well. She is good at what they gave her. Mostly I say this b/c the part and the writing for her is utter crap. She just does a good job at making it somewhat memorable.

Verdict—> Pile of poo. If it’s on cable late night andyou can’t sleep then sure go for it, otherwise don’t bother.

Peacock ( 2010 90 mins) Cillian Murphy, Susan Sarandon, Ellen Page

Peacock is an example of how a film that is darker and a bit more out there with subject matter can be good and enjoyable. The film is about John (Murphy), who has had a real troubled childhood due to his upbringing by his mother which has left him broken and scarred. He is further scarred by her passing a year ago. He is left as a man who lives dual lives. One a twitchy, anxiety riddled mess of a man who works as a bank book keeper. The other is as a woman who is calm,collected, maintains the house and cooks for the other personality.  Both worlds are turned upside down when a train crashes and leaves a caboose in his back yard. All the town attention has his world mixed up and part of him struggles to become part of society and deal with the world seeing his other self, named Emma.

Another part of the story is a girl from John’s past Emma (Page). Emma has been living in town with her son but only now has gotten back in touch with John.  This movie is so well written and spins such a layered story that it keeps us riveted to it. The somewhat taboo story and the uncomfortable nature of it all is well woven to keep us invested in it all. It all centers around John/Emma and how they co-exist yet how he is not sure he wants them to, or if he knows why they exist. It’s not a bright and cheery movie and it’s not exceptionally fast paced but it just works. Murphy plays the 2 parts exceptionally. He has completely different mannerisms and twitches as both characters and brings them to life in such a way as to make them truly 2 people in one. The internal struggle is evident and well shown.  There is one slight thing that bothers me (b/c I gotta complain about something as usual). The character of the town officer played by Josh Lucas, just seems wasted. It’s not completely compelling nor very deep. He doesn’t serve a whole lot of purpose in the story. I know in a way he’s just not supposed to b/c the movie is about John/Emma, but even Sarandon’s character Fanny manages to be relevant but not take anything away from it’s main character. The officer just isn’t relevant at all. A wasted performance.

Verdict—> This is a good movie for people who just like movies. Don’t look for this to be your edge of your seat popcorn movie, but it’s an intellectual drama that is well written and well directed.  I recommend you pick it up at the Red-box b/c it will make for a great double feature with a Rom-Com or actiony movie.

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