Aug 10 2010

And now for a RANT… Idiots complaining about Happy Meal Toys.

Published by at 10:07 am under Rant

It has been often my stance that we as American’s sometimes have TOO many rights. We have the ability to complain and bitch about the most mundane things. Often there is absolutely nothing wrong with this. An idiot like me on a blog, sure that fine. However, when people form groups and become advocates for a cause for the most unbelievable things, then we are letting people go too far. Not to get too much on my soapbox on something I am not even intending to write about here but it’s an American atrocity that we as a country have allowed our schools and our children to take out UNDER GOD from our pledge of allegiance is a slap in the face of every American. We even tolerate people not standing or not putting their hands over their heart when the pledge or the anthem is sung. Speak up people and let them ALL know this is just not tolerable.

  OK back to the IDIOTS OF THE DAY. Today we are going to salute with a big Middle Finger, the group Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood.  Yes it’s a real group and yes they are prob full of stay at home parents who have shit for brains and no clue the outside world is actually able to teach their children some good! They prob home school their kids and make them use purel every time they look outside at dirt.  The CCFC has released a statement against of all things, a Happy Meal Toy from McDonalds. Not just ANY happy meal toys,MARVEL SUPER HERO toys. Oh the statement will make you laugh so hard you might spit milk out your nose but here goes. (Taken directly from their site)

BOSTON — August 4 — The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood has launched a letter-writing campaign demanding that McDonald’s pull its current Happy Meal promotion featuring Marvel comic book heroes.  One action figure, The Thing, menacingly roars “IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME!” each time a child presses a button on its back.  Another, The Human Torch, is a man on fire.

“It’s bad enough to use junk toys to sell children on junk food,” said CCFC’s Director Dr. Susan Linn.  “But now, for preschool boys, a so-called happy meal at McDonald’s features the horrifying spectacle of a man engulfed in flames and a menacing figure that explicitly spurs them to violence.”   

Seriously???? You are speaking out against the Fantastic 4?? Against the Thing, and the Human Torch? A super hero group so vanilla and happy that most main stream comic fans would laugh about even reading them b/c they are so happy go lucky. Is this really how we want to treat our stores? When they finally give away DECENT toys that we have to chastise them for doing it?

You NEVER EVER speak out against super hero figures (especially main stream ones) who every single one of them stands for Truth Justice and the AMERICAN WAY! I have always been more of a DC comics guy but even these Marvel icons are one of the fore-fathers of the modern comic book. They stand for the good and fight the evil. What’s next CCFC, you guys gonna start burning books? (Yep, I went there). They have “issues” they list on their site everything from bitching about Lego’s to complaining about Baby einstein products. I know how about next we string up Kermit by his legs and say he’s wasting away our children’s time? I will put my daughter up against any one of these cow’s kids. She loved watching the baby einstein videos and watched a TON of Sesame Street, and I can 100% Guarantee you she speaks and reads better then 90% of the 1st graders out there.

This, as usual is just another bunch of bored parents who have nothing better to do then to try and get their 15 mins and themselves in the news by complaining about super heros. Where were you guys 2 months ago when BK was marketing Vampires to our 6- year olds (Twilight happy meals?), now THAT I would have seen as a legit complaint, but not super hero toys.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “And now for a RANT… Idiots complaining about Happy Meal Toys.”

  1. Lisaon 10 Aug 2010 at 10:20 am

    Good grief! These people need to get busy doing some good in the world. Maybe try helping the less fortunate. Mmmm…sounds like something a superhero would do.


  2. The Redheaded Pharmaciston 10 Aug 2010 at 11:24 am

    The problem is the very idea of “The American Way” is being destroyed by political ccorectness etc. And last I checked these kids aren’t driving themselves to McDonalds to get those happy meals. I guess it is a lot easier as a parent to start an asinine group and blame a McDonald’s Happy Meal toy for a child’s bad behavior than to actually do a little parenting and tell the child that violence is wrong! I admit I am not a parent myself but it doesn’t seem rational to blame a Fantastic 4 kid’s toy for a child’s violent behavior. I think that is one reason why children’s cartoons suck now. They can’t put anything in a cartoon without someone complaining about it these days!


  3. Jenniferon 10 Aug 2010 at 12:03 pm

    Loved the comment about the hitting the Purel when they LOOK at dirt. We have a mommy like that at work who hits the pump EVERY TIME she sends a tube. Now granted we get the occasional urine sample in the pharmacy by accident (completely packaged of course) but she’d rather let that STAT Cardizem drip sit there rather than tubing it to the guy in the ED who’s close to VTach.
    But TOTALLY agree with every statement you made. If they don’t like them then don’t buy them. It’s that easy. Now if MCD’s selling nude action fiction then that’s totally different. (BTW, the Twilight stuff was actually for the TwiMoms but they don’t make happy meals for adults.)


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