Nov 08 2010

Red Box Review– Get Him to the Greek

Published by at 11:51 pm under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Get Him to the Greek (2010– 109 mins) R. Brand, J. Hill

 The last time we saw Aldous Snow (Brand) he was a rock star,  on top of the world despite breaking up with the beautiful yet neurotic Sarah Marshall. Well, it’s been 10 years since then (In movie time) and Snow has both fallen off the wagon, becoming a lush, and has begun to throw his talent into the toilet. L ast time we saw Jonah Hill in this series he was playing Matthew the Waiter at the Hawaiian resort, but now we see him here as Aaron Green an employee of the record company. Continuity boo boo a bit but hey, that’s a bit nit picky so I’ll just go on. Green, trying to impress his boss Sergio (P-Diddy), comes up with the idea that for them to spruce up their bottom line, they should have former king of the world rocker Snow perform an epic concert at “The Greek”. The venue in which he launched the greatest album of his career. The problem is since then, Snow has gone off the druggy rocker deep end and is not exactly easy to round up. The 10th anniversary of this epic concert is 3 days away and it’s Aaron’s job to get Snow there.  What we get is some hillariously funny hi-jinx as they go on benders and travel across country leaving chaos in their wake.

   The movie, as a co-worker (We’ll call him Morty) described it best, is a cross between The Hangover and Almost Famous. Crazy things happen under alot of different influences and Aaron is following and trying to help his idol. It’s a real funny movie like Sarah Marshall was, and also has an underlying semblance of heart as well. It kept me rolling basically the whole time. As good as these two guys are the REAL star of the movie was P-Diddy. He was great as a farce of himself and suits inthe record industry. He plays the part with reckless abandon and just gives it his all. His stealing of the show reminds me of how unexpectedly great Tom Cruise was in Tropic Thunder, just hilarious.

Verdict–> I would say get this movie if you liked the comedy of Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It’s funny as hell, and just truely a fun story. Not for the bible beaters out there as there is a ton of sex,drugs and rock n’ roll, in the same fashion that Sarah Marshall had it.  If nothing else grab it from the red box just to see P-Diddy give it his all and crack you up.

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