Dec 04 2010
Cataclysm fly-thru cinematic unlocked… 3 days till the Cataclysm hits!!!
Blizz’s little promotion with the fortune teller site where they get people to visit, like, and do various busy type things to unlock videos etc has finally come to an end. I went there and did some fortune teller thing but it was fairly generic in nature and kinda blah. BUT, the final award was a pretty cool cinematic which basically has a nice walk-thru for the new areas, changed old ones, and a bunch of stuff from Cataclysm. I was already stoked about Tuesday (even if I won’t be able to play much until Thursday at earliest) but this is a little snippet to keep us all happy until then.
So here it is. Enjoy! And try and keep yourself busy with real life b/c tuesday on no one will hear from us for a few months!