Dec 13 2010

Rookie Omark’s spin-o-rama in shootout makes Lightning mad… Cry me a river… #shootout#NHL

Published by at 12:29 pm under Hockey,Rant

Friday night in a shootout in Edmonton, Oilers Rookie Linus Omark, playing in his 1st NHL game, got to do what 99% of us dream of, participate in the shootout. Whether it be adrenaline or creativity he did a spin-o-rama after getting the puck at center ice, came down faked a slap shot and put the puck 5-hole on Dan Ellis. When you look at it (see below) it’s a great shot and just an exciting play. Well the Tampa players are crying foul. To this I say, quit your bitching, it’s hockey, if you want to complain then stop the puck to show them up. If it’s ridiculous and you save it, laugh at him all you want, but for now tell the kid “nice goal” and get ready for the next shot. Remember you’re Dan Ellis, and you suck, shut your mouth and try and get your save % to a still shitty 88% and maybe we might listen to what you have to say, but for now you are just another crappy goalie embarrassedby a forward who is just better then you. These guys know full well the shootout is about speed this kid did a move to generate more speed so sue him. Do baseball players complain when a pitchers delievery hides the ball for an extra second? Do basketball players complain about a little trash-talking? No, they play the game and win, and actions speak louder then words. Go home and pull up your skirts Lightning!

  Don’t let the losing players put you down kid. Bring highlight goals like this to the league, it’s exciting and it brings attention to the game. We don’t have to see highlights of minor league, juniors, or even 8 year olds in between periods at games, now we can see real NHLers do things to bring good attention to the sport.

So next time someone tells you or anyone it’s disrespectful to the game when you just scored… Tell them to stop the goal then they can say what they want. For now cry me a river Lighthing, you are the ones disrespecting the game by being a bunch of cry-babies!!

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