Feb 13 2011

Red Box Review— The American #Redbox

Published by at 8:51 pm under Movies,Red Box Reviews

The American (2010– 105 mins) G. Clooney, Violante Placido 

Clooney is one of those big stars that I am a huge fan of. He’s in the GJ’s top favorite actors . He’s up there with guys like Bruce Willis and Ryan Reynolds as the top of the class. I will make a point of watching pretty much all of what comes out for these guys. Don’t get me wrong tho, if a movie blows I will call a spade a spade. The American unfortunately is a spade. I am not sure if it’s just  b/c of the marketing that tried to make it out to be a spy action movie, and it turns out it’s a spy flick, but with no action. Or is it b/c there is a real lack of any story. Either way it’s just not very good. I tried and tried to sit back and think about it to take a second look at the movie, but when all I can touch on as being good are the beautiful women and how nice they looked (especially the ones who disrobed) then sadly the movie has failed.

Clooney is an assassin who we first meet while near the end of one mission. A mission in which he is found and he must shoot his way to safetly. It’s this getaway that leaves him thinking he is done with the profession and wants out. He takes one last mission, which he is lead to believe will be move of a hands off mission. It’s during his prep that he meets and starts to fall for a local lady of the night(Placido- looking truly beautiful… and being naked a bunch doesn’t hurt). There is some complications in it all and that’s where the conflict comes in. And THAT’S.. ABOUT … IT… Yep, not a whole lot of story and it goes REAL SLOW. I can’t even claim that it’s slow b/c of character development or building up some suspense. Nah, I just don’t buy it. Sorry George this one is smelly. 

Verdict—> Again, when the best thing I can say about this movie is the 4 women in it are all beautiful and we get to see some skin in it, it doesn’t make for a great movie. If you think about seeing it, I would recommend you just rent Up In the Air again for a good watch. Save your money it’s just not that good.

One response so far

One Response to “Red Box Review— The American #Redbox”

  1. Tom Pon 14 Feb 2011 at 5:24 am

    Agreed, very slow and there is no real story.


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