Mar 23 2011
PVP servers are for teenagers/College kids and the unemployed… A take on a point brought up on “The Instance” podcast #PVP #MMO #TheInstance
I was listening to one of the most recent episodes of the great podcast “The Instance”, when Turpster, “Dills” and Scott all seemed to have differing opinions on the idea of PVP in MMOs. A caller said he made a character on a PVP server b/c a friend played there. However, he has since grown sick and tired of being quickly killed by players who are 20 to 50 levels (or more) higher then him while he just goes about his business. Scott had agreed that this kinda sucks and had mentioned an idea that PVP servers should allow people to only attack other players within 5 levels of themselves. While I agree 100% and think it’s a good start (more on my take in a minute), Dills and Turpster both basically feel that you are already on a PVP server by choice and it should continue to stay run alone at your own risk no matter the level.
Dills also went on to make an excellent point that when this happens it creates more large scale PVP. The basic idea is that you then tell a guildie or friend that you are being ganked (pestered) by these higher ups and then a group of higher levels comes with the cavalry to bail you out and dish out some revenge on the guilty party. This in turn, brings their friends and then “IT’S ON!”. While in theory I agree with this idea being fun, who has time for this? Who can rile up the troops every time they are ganked and wait around just to get one ass-hat off your back? Not me that’s for sure. I generally have a few hours at any one time to play, and I don’t want to spend what little time every night getting safe or even with one jerk with a superiority complex, just to get a couple of quests done. The only people who can are teenagers , college kids and the unemployed who all have limitless amounts of time to enjoy this never ending stream of chase the mouse once a jerk comes around. And believe me there are a TON of them.
To me, I take my PVP on my terms. I will flag myself on my PVE realm when large battles break out, such as open world fights, or even if the opposite faction is invading/raiding one of our capital cities to take out the city’s leader. To me, THIS is the true epic PVP. People fighting everywhere and bodies strewn about. PVP is NOT the bored 12 year old with a level 85 who wants to go stalk level 15’s b/c he got his homework done and is bored on a rainy day. They should definitely do something about this action b/c it takes away from a great game. And when you alienate a sub-sect of your player base you run the risk of losing subscriptions. Is it likely to happen? Nah, not in the least. Not while there are tons of PVE realm options out there. And you know what? I am fine with that. I am fine with being in my safe haven of PVE realms on all MMOs that I play. I don’t play on any PVP realms on any games b/c of the reasons I mentioned above. It’s just NOT FUN to spend the majority of your free time running back to your corpse b/c someone is bored. Let the kids and unemployed waste all their time doing so. When I spend precious time playing a game I love (say WoW or RIFT), I want to spend that time PLAYING, not being frustrated or wasting that time.
I won’t speak ill of Turpster or Dills’ opinions on the matter b/c they both made great points, and both seemed to understand completely the frustrations some people might have with PVP realms. It’s well spoken points and counter points, and understanding of all angles which makes these two GREAT additions to the podcast and great replacements for the recently departed (b/c of a new job) Randy. Hard shoes to fill of course, but these are two great choices. Besides, I am one who thinks The Turpster should be on every single podcast I listen to, the guy is just fricking hilarious.
So until next time peeps remember…. The Instance rocks and is still the best gaming podcast out there and well…. PVP SERVERS STILL SUCK