Apr 05 2011

My Birthday wishes as I blow out the candles #mybirthday

Published by at 11:02 am under asides,Hockey,Hurricanes,Islanders,Random Sh-stuff

So as I get another year older (only a few more to 40!), and yet none too wiser, I sit here and think of the many things  I am wishing for this year as I blow out my proverbial candles on a great day in GeekJock life. From pop culture , gaming, sports, work, family, and recreation there is so much I can think of so hey why wait let’s get the party started right now!

The GeekJock’s Birthday Wishes

1. I would like this pollen season to END asap, so I can stop sneezing and rubbing my eyes raw.

2. I wish the Canes to spend money earlier this year in free agency and sign more impact players instead of 5 “role” players to fill out the roster. Mediocre hockey is no fun to watch…. Oh and for the love of God DO NOT RE-SIGN JONI PITKANEN!

3. I wish the Islanders and the town of Hempstead to come to an agreement and get a new building built. Players will want to play for a team with their youth and excitement if they don’t play in a 40 year old building that is constantly falling apart.

4. If the NY area Pro Hockey Writers Assoc wants to be idiots and boycott the voting for the NHL awards, I wish the NHL would give their voting rights to people who truely care. The fans and bloggers. WE would not abuse such a privilege and hold it over the heads of the teams as if their protest mattered. It only hurts the ones we love, the players.

5. I wish Diablo 3 would show up on my doorstep tomorrow. I’ll settle for coming out in 2011 tho.

6. I wish Star Wars:The Old Republic will be as good as Bioware says it will, and as good as millions of players are hoping it will be.

7. I wish RIFT would stop crashing my computer for no apparent reason what so ever. So annoying in fact, it might cause me to stop playing altogether.

8. I wish the Mets to finish over 500 and make a run at the wild card. I further wish them to never again sign aging , past their prime so they now suck, superstars to ridiculous contracts.

9. I wish my son to go to sleep before 2 hours have passed when we put him in his room for sleep.

10. I wish for cookies. After all who doesn’t want cookies?

11. I wish that the next few games Yucata would add to their site include…. Small World, Ascension, Thunderstone, Civilization (we can dream right?), Kingburg, Dominant Species,Alien Frontiers… Just to name a few

12. I wish the Jets would win a Conference Championship… You know start small and then work to the big one.

13. I wish that Target would get in more then 1 iPad at a time so I can actually buy one.

14. I wish the android app store would get as many (good) apps as Apple’s, so that I could buy an android tablet and not have to give the company I hate (Apple) any of my money.

15.  I wish for a pair of hands for the ice hockey rink. I seem to have lost mine and don’t think I will ever score again. Yet, as Bubba (resident idiot on my team) will inevitably say “you can’t lose what you never had!”

16. I also with Torchlight 2 were here, I miss that light fun addictive click fest.

17. I wish my lawn would mow itself.

18. I wish more people would “follow” me on Twitter and Facebook. (anyone who knows Felicia Day feel free to let her know how great this site is, I will truly owe you one Smile )

19. I wish the  Green Lantern movie will be amazing and will be a hit at the box office. Spawning a bunch of sequels and a Justice League movie. After all us DC fanboys want to see JLA beat the Avengers!

20. I wish that my shoulder will hold out the whole baseball season instead of the Mid to late May that it’s usually toast.

So not too many are far fetched… Some dreaming, some wishful thinking and some will just never happen (I am looking at you Isles/Hempstead!)

So coming up on the Blog this week, tomorrow I head to a Hall Pass night for the GeekJock and couple of my buddies at the last home game (that I have tixx for) for the Canes. I will report on my thoughts (if I can remember them) and when they lose to the Red Wings, I will also be handing out my grades for the Canes players this year as well. Also coming up, 1 month in and is Rift STILL that good?

Stay tuned! And as always thanks everyone for reading!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “My Birthday wishes as I blow out the candles #mybirthday”

  1. The Redheaded Pharmaciston 05 Apr 2011 at 11:49 am

    Happy Birthday GJ! The Canes will do the same thing they do every off season. Sorry, but it’s the truth! And to your reference about the iPad at Target, have you considered the Motorola Xoom? I’ve heard good things about it and I am eager to go to a Verizon store and check one out. Sure the microsd card isn’t active yet (as is the flash 10.2) and the 4G speed is another month or so away from release but reviews are good and I like the size of the Xoom and it is powerful (dual core). I’ve heard it would seemlessly transfer all my Droid X apps right to the Xoom! It would be a way to give less money to the Apple company if that’s your goal.
    I’m wondering though if RIMM’s tablet PC is also a good alternative. And then there is that Samsung too which looks smaller in size and you know any Samsung will have a great looking screen! I’m probably not going to buy anything myself (lack of fund!) but I do want to go look at a Xoom just to see how good the screen looks etc. The iPad2 didn’t impress me. It seems to just be a little lighter and thinner. Not a real upgrade from the original iPad. And these other companies seem to be more innovative in an attempt to compete with Apple’s tablet PC. And part of me wonders if I was in the market for one of these tablet PCs why I wouldn’t just get a laptop PC instead? So many devices, so little time (and money)!


  2. Lisaon 05 Apr 2011 at 3:23 pm

    In no universe do I believe that cookies is number ten on your list! Happy Birthday, Geekjock! You’re the best!


  3. "TOLINCATR"on 05 Apr 2011 at 3:37 pm

    Hope all your wishes come true…..though that would make it a very quiet year. And let’s face it, who doesn’t like to hear the Geek Jock moan a little? Enjoy your day!!


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